12/29/00 Configuring a Pismo Powerbook G3/400 for Triple Boot: MacOS 9.0.4, MacOS X beta, and Yellow Dog Linux PPC 1.2.1 1. Installed new 10GB Toshiba IDE hard drive (replaced 6GB IBM, which had some problems, likely caused by heat) 2. Partitioned as follows: Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/ata2.0' (/dev/hde) #: type name length base ( size ) 1: Apple_partition_map Apple 63 @ 1 2: Apple_Driver43*Macintosh 54 @ 64 3: Apple_Driver43*Macintosh 74 @ 118 4: Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh 54 @ 192 5: Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh 74 @ 246 6: Apple_FWDriver Macintosh 200 @ 320 7: Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh 512 @ 520 8: Apple_Patches Patch Partition 512 @ 1032 9: Apple_HFS "sys" 14921728 @ 1544 ( 7.1G) 10: Apple_Boot MOSX_OF3_Booter 16384 @ 14923272 ( 8.0M) 11: Apple_Loader SecondaryLoader 1024 @ 14939656 12: Apple_UFS Mac_OS_X 2078750 @ 14940680 (1015.0M) 13: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 A/UX Root 2097152 @ 17019430 ( 1.0G) 14: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 Swap 262144 @ 19116582 (128.0M) 15: Apple_HFS "xfer" 262144 @ 19378726 (128.0M) The 128MB HFS partition ("xfer") is for trading files between the three. Hint: grab the Mac port of pdisk for handy partition printouts like the one above: http://www.cfcl.com/~eryk/linux/pdisk/ 3. Installed MacOS 9 onto 'sys', the 7.1GB partition. (Used Retrospect to restore my old setup and install from CD-R backups). Tweaked various irritating discrepancies between the old disk and restored setup (most related to the Sony Spressa USB CD-R I use). 4. Installed MacOS X beta onto 1GB partition. 5. Followed the instructions here: http://www.resexcellence.com/hack_html_00/10-13-00.shtml http://www.macslash.com/articles/00/10/02/1547205.shtml http://forums.macnn.com/cgi-bin/Forum3/HTML/001327.html ...in order to get AirPort networking to work under MacOS X. I'm on a cable modem network, behind a hub to which the Airport base station is connected via Ethernet, so my Powerbook is behind /that/. I had to turn off encryption and open up the previously closed network before MacOS X recognized the Airport network, though. 6. Installed Yellow Dog Champion Server 1.2.1 from CD onto 1GB partition. 7. Went into Open Firmware (command-option-o-f at boot) and set auto-boot? to false, for the time being: setenv auto-boot? false 8. Grabbed SystemDisk from Apple: ftp://ftp.apple.com/developer/macosxserver/utilities/SystemDisk2.3.1.smi.bin http://www.netbsd.org/Ports/macppc/SystemDisk-tutorial/ 9. Copied 'vmlinux', 'yaboot', 'yaboot.conf', and 'bootscript' from the YellowDog install CD to my MacOS9 System Folder. Edited the yaboot.conf and bootscript files to point to the appropriate locations. http://devel.yellowdoglinux.com/HOWTO/ http://sdb.suse.de/en/sdb/html/olh_ppc_macosx.html relevant portion of bootscript: " get-key-map" " keyboard" open-dev $call-method dup 20 dump 3 + c@ 10 = if " Booting MacOS X ..." cr " boot hd:10,\\:tbxi" eval then " get-key-map" " keyboard" open-dev $call-method dup 20 dump 2 + c@ 80 = if " Booting MacOS 9 ..." cr " boot hd:9,\\:tbxi" eval then " get-key-map" " keyboard" open-dev $call-method dup 20 dump 1 + c@ 01 = if " Booting Linux ..." cr " boot hd:9,\\yaboot" eval then " get-key-map" " keyboard" open-dev $call-method dup 20 dump 5 + c@ 08 = if " Booting MacOS ..." cr " boot hd:9,\\:tbxi" eval else " Booting Linux ..." cr " boot hd:9,\\yaboot" eval then 10. Booted into Linux and set up airport networking: - created 'ifcfg-airport' in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts - edited /etc/sysconfig/network (added GATEWAY) - turned eth0 ONBOOT off. - had to download latest pmac-stable kernel and rebuild airport module from sources. ... - added script to automate necessary changes in ifcfg-airport, resolv.conf, and /etc/sysconfig/network depending on which net I happen to be on. 11. Set up ssh. (I'm running both 1.* and 2.* on various machines, so I need both.) Build and install the 1.* tree first, then 2.*. ftp://ftp.ssh.com/pub/ssh/ssh-1.2.30.tar.gz ftp://ftp.ssh.com/pub/ssh/ssh-2.4.0.tar.gz 2.0 doesn't work, so I'm switching to OpenSSH. 12. Set up XFree86. After a bit of wrestling with mouseconfig, I realize my input layer is out of date, so I upgrade: ftp://devel.linuxppc.org/users/fsirl/R5/RPMS/ppc/dev-2.7.18-3b.ppc.rpm I followed the instructions on cloud13.com/ppc/ for the rest, though all I did was upgrade from 3.3.6 to 4.0 and install True Type fonts.